Understanding the value of branded content
Brands and marketers alike have struggled to come up with a definition for branded content, partly because the industry is constantly changing. At Pressboard, we define branded content as any published media that a brand has had a hand in producing. This means content created specifically for the purpose of publication with a publisher, such as NBCUniversal, USA Today or Bustle. Brands leverage the trust, expertise and reach of premium publishers, allowing them to connect with new, highly targeted audiences.
Keeping up with an evolving industry
Branded content has become way more than a buzzword. This form of advertising has transformed since the early days of advertorial, with more publishers and advertisers investing in it than ever before.
Whether you’re a startup aiming to disrupt an industry or a Fortune 500 company like IBM or JP Morgan Chase trying to build relationships with new generations of customers, both small and large businesses are looking for innovative ways to engage with audiences — and the best way to do that is through stories, not ads.
In addition to being a tool for relationship-building, branded content is proving to be an answer to concerns of long-term sustainability by becoming a major revenue opportunity for most publishers. The biggest names in the business have overhauled their teams to make branded content an essential part of their digital ad revenue.