16 stats that show branded content works
Content marketing is one of those vague terms that means nothing and everything all at once. In this growing discipline there is no single expert, no one guru with all of the answers. Pressboard knows that better than most. While our platform analyzes thousands of stories every month, we continue to learn something new about storytelling every day. Here, we show 16 reasons why branded content can be an effective marketing tool.
1. Branded Content is 22x more engaging than display ads
Readers spend an average of 45 seconds engaging with written branded content, which is significantly higher than the average 1.6 seconds they spend with a banner ad.
“Banner blindness” is a real issue for marketers today. Users have become so used to ignoring the ads that frame their content that click-through rates for banners have fallen to less than 0.1%. These ads are generally considered annoying and disruptive, so it’s no wonder that they’re less engaging than branded content, which offers information readers are already seeking out.
2. Branded content drives higher brand recall than pre-roll ads
While video remains a strong tactic for digital publishers, branded content outperforms it when it comes to brand recall. According to a Nielsen report, branded content resulted in 86% brand recall, while pre-roll resulted in only 65% brand recall.