Why Most Entrepreneurs Struggle

Exactly two years ago today, I woke up at 5 in the morning. Yes, I was suffering from our generation’s new sleeping problem.

It is caused by too much blue light, especially when you stare at your cell phone before sleeping, which leaves you awake after only a few hours of sleep. I thought it was useless to try sleeping any further, so I decided to get up and start working.

After checking my emails, I found myself on Twitter. One of the tweets took me to an article about Ruby on Rails on TechCrunch. That article took me to Codeacademy, where I discovered you can actually learn how to code.

Then I was disrupted by a call from a friend of mine. During the call, I realized that day was actually the birthday of a friend of mine so I got on Facebook where the top post on my newsfeed was about a new social network.

I went to check what it was about and holy sh*t, that SoundCloud the article was talking about was actually such a cool thing. I spent another two hours on it.

Guess what? I even came up with a new startup idea that could be much better than SoundCloud! Soon, my mind was exploding with amazing ideas and I was exhausted.


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