Do Doctors Make Good Entrepreneurs
When it comes to entrepreneurship, there are a lot of misconceptions out there–especially when it comes to doctors.
For one, many people think that the only way a doctor can be an “entrepreneur” is by running their own practice. This isn’t wrong–running a practice is running a business–but these days, there are many, many more options available to physicians.
There seems to be this idea that physicians are pigeonholed into… well, being a physician. In reality, from side hustles to full-blown separate businesses, the modern physician simply isn’t limited to medicine.
They’re able to take their degrees, skillset, knowledge, and experience to branch off into so many different ventures. Many of these are showcased in a summit we run every year called the Leverage & Growth Summit For Physicians.
In this post, we’ll be taking a look at just how entrepreneurship and being a doctor are not mutually exclusive–in fact, we explore this question, “Do doctors make good entrepreneurs?”