2021 Entrepreneurial Wellness Toolkit
The beginning of the year is an ideal time to reset daily habits, shed practices that aren’t working and recalibrate yearly objectives. I take a few days off over the holidays each year and, without fail, find myself with more perspective, drive and energy upon my return.
After a decade of fine-tuning my workplace regimen, I’ve developed a toolkit that keeps me coming back more focused and productive and less stressed each year. Here is what’s in my toolkit for 2021:
1. A Morning Routine That Includes A Digital Detox, Meditation And Intention Setting
The benefits of a morning routine have been well documented. It doesn’t seem to matter much what takes place during the first hour upon waking, as long it contributes to personal clarity, energy and productivity. Practices that I depend on within my morning routine include:
• Drinking a large glass of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning. Hydration supports every system in the body, including brain function and digestion. I like to start each day with a lukewarm glass of water to get things moving and prepare me for the day.